.NET Workshop

Develop a web application using Blazor!
May 14, 5:00 PM
Event Duration – 3h


*Registration is required. Limited number of seats.

About the Workshop

At the workshop, you’ll quickly progress from Blazor basics to using advanced framework features, develop a strong understanding of technology, and gain hands-on experience building a web application with it.

Blazor has become popular lately, and it’s definitely a must-have skill for developers who want to enhance their product capabilities.

What Awaits You?

The workshop consists of two parts: a lecture and a training session. After the theoretical part, NIX experts will organize participants into teams of 3-5 developers, each focusing on their own project.

During the workshop, don’t hesitate to reach out to experts. They’re always here to support and provide feedback on your work.

It’s for you if you:

To participate in this workshop, you need to bring a laptop with Visual Studio version 17.8 or higher and .NET SDK version 8 installed.


Next event: .NET Workshop 14.05.2024